Freddie’s Finds follows the tail (or should we say tale) of taste-making pooch, Freddie, around town on a search to discover the best pet products available
on the market. With a keen eye for quality, Freddie searches out items to enhance the well-being and health of his furry friends for pet owners everywhere.
Offered through a monthly subscription service, Freddie’s Finds delivers a box of vetted goods straight to your doorstep for your pet to enjoy. A little intro
into the namesake of Freddie’s Finds: Freddie is an adventurous Pekingese pup with an appetite for life. Each month, along with a package of special
goodies, a newsletter detailing the latest and greatest encounters with products accompanies the package. The Freddie’s Finds brand image was designed
to replicate the journey to the latest finds, including illustrations of the spokesdog as well as a hand-drawn type treatment.
Brand architecture, design, art direction, product development, and business planning